Untitled, or should it be?

Due to me having no willpower at all, and it is nearing my birthday, I thought about posting this to try and get me to quit smoking, even if my heart is not in it. But alas, I should try tonight as tomorrow will be the 6th of September, and my birthday will be one month away on Sunday.

I will make my case known to the world. If you are finding it hard to quit smoking, never quit quitting. The more attempts you have at it, the more chance you will abstain from smoking for some duration of time, and the likelihood of this is that you will not have smoked in a while.

But if you have cut down your consumption, then this is good, as you will be less likely to start smoking again to the amount that you did. When you are certain that the vapouriser is working for you more and prefer sweet flavours over burning tobacco, you may have a better chance of reducing the amount you smoke.

Whenever I try, I will always try.

Over the past few days, I have been trying to get along with 6mg juices in the Luxe X Pro. But to no avail. I couldn’t hack it, as I was constantly coughing. So I tried to use 0mg juice, only to find it smoother, and I hardly coughed as much.

Then, as I still had nicotine in the freezer, and there was about 2.5 litres worth of 72mg/ml left, I tried to get rid of it by asking if anyone wanted it. Then, since nobody wanted it, I was forced to throw it out and never look back. I also threw out my Nicotine bags (snus).

I also threw out my stash of liquids, all 6mg and about half of 24mg.

Moral of this story is to not to panic buy.

I Can Do This, Hopeing

For just over a week now I have been smoking less and less. As I am using Disposables. Take for instance the 19th of this month, I was starting day 1 of a nearly 3-day stretch, without smoking.

But now I have been doing a day here and there. Only to start again with Vaping.

The reason for this post is to help others who need help and support. Like I do Now.

My only hope is for each day that I do, I hope I can continue to Vape, and forget smoking as an afterthought.

So if you would like to know. My Quit date is the 31st of July 2023 at 3 AM in the early hours of the night.

That Time again!

Upon writing this I am sure many of you will be angry at the way I try to do less harm smoking, meaning switching to Vaping full time.

This is either a no go area in which I continue to smoke, regardless of what it is actually doing to my internals.

And my desire to stay Smoke-free.

Today I had my last cigarette out of my packet at 13:00 and I am still vaping concurrently.

So my New QUIT Date is the following

18th July 2021 @ 12 PM

Too all that I have loved, mainly Cigarettes.




I will say this, I think I love cigarettes that much that I cannot seem to live without them.


But I will try my hardest now to quit by New Years Day.


My only problem though is to get the thought of losing a lifelong hinderance of health, and to replace it with a viable source of safer nicotine.


I have the mods and I also have the juices.


I just need to put into practice of not smoking.


The reason being is that my bills take out most of my money and I cannot afford a 30 a day habit.


SO AS OF 5 PM ON THE 29TH OF DECEMBER 2020 I will not smoke anymore.

I just do not know anymore

Why should I quit smoking? Why would I? And how does one do it?

Well the reason why I should quit smoking is that I have Asthma and narrow airways. I have spoken to the doctor at the hospital over the phone about me having a CT scan, and a possible stent put in. But this will be done in a few months time as the Covid 19 is still at large.

The reason why I should is that I will save money and better my health. It just shows that Since you are able to vape, and make your own juices, that the cost of purchasing some bottles is reduced considerably.

I need to change my method of getting nicotine into my system and the safer way to do this is to use either NRT or Vaping Devices. The probable way in waking up is to vape first thing to get nicotine into your system, as if you smoke it only takes about 2-3 seconds for that hit. But vaping takes about 5 minutes before you get it into your system. But the main method is to keep it topped up.

Meaning that you need to vape constantly for a period of time. Until you are satisfied.

Chemical Compound of Nicotine.