Just Fallen

Every-time I inhale Smoke, I cough. Sometimes I cough Up Phlegm. And with that Some Brown Tar that is in the mucus.

But Today I forced My Self to bring up some phlegm. And I went out of it from standing over the kitchen sink. And went walk backwards whilst trying to get my breath. Then fell over backwards.

So had my Last Ever Cigarette. At 8:00 PM

SO NOW MY QUIT DATE IS 9TH MARCH 2021 @ 8:00 PM………….


When will I never learn, I will try my best now.

So with a further a do, I must now only Vape. But my main reason for not doing so is that I have ample supply of Cigarettes. Whether I have none or not.

If I don’t have any, I can always use my mothers.

But I must quit Smoking, as my health is bad, and I am always getting comments from the rest of my family about my coughing and that will not do.

They know that I have narrow airways, but they state that I am putting it on. As attention seeking. And I am not.

When I will Quit Smoking7th March 2021
What Time I will Quit Smoking11 PM (19:00)

So as of 7th March 2021 @ 11 PM I will now only Vape.

Tomorrow will mark

Tomorrow will mark the start of a new relationship with vaping.

I will smoke the remainder of my cigarettes today and will not go past midnight.

I will try and use my Vapourizer in the morning and will give my mother the remaining cigs to have if I do not smoke them all today.

I have to do this, as my health is on a keel that does not allow me to smoke in the morning without having an aid to help me to breath, usually the Pink Inhaler. And Blue Inhaler when I need it.

I will of course tell you if I fail. And hope that I do not need to do this.

I like Direct to lung, but need to do mouth to lung to get me to reacquainted with vaping.

Now for all intense and purposes I will be using an old bellus tank equipped with a single coil and running in low wattage.

I just hope it sticks this time.

Too all that I have loved, mainly Cigarettes.




I will say this, I think I love cigarettes that much that I cannot seem to live without them.


But I will try my hardest now to quit by New Years Day.


My only problem though is to get the thought of losing a lifelong hinderance of health, and to replace it with a viable source of safer nicotine.


I have the mods and I also have the juices.


I just need to put into practice of not smoking.


The reason being is that my bills take out most of my money and I cannot afford a 30 a day habit.


SO AS OF 5 PM ON THE 29TH OF DECEMBER 2020 I will not smoke anymore.

Still Smoking after all this time

For what it is worth, mother does not want me to vape and to only smoke.

As she says it is the vape that has caused me to have a persistent cough.

But I know better and will one day return to it.

But for now, I will smoke.

Nearly is not good enough.

As with me trying to quit tobacco use, I have been using my vapouriser from time to time and doing a few hours here and there, but when it comes down to trying to solve a problem with my smoking, I am unable to continue use of vaping. As a precaution I have been trying to cut down on use of cigarettes.

And from now had done 7 hours about a week ago on the day.

Now that I have found a juice that I like I will now only vape.

My new starting date is the 5th October 2020 @ 8:30 AM.

Gonna get this and beat my addiction to cigarettes.

From time to time, I vape and I smoke, But mainly smoke due to my addiction to cigarettes.

Now for me if I could break that bond to them I will have achieved something rather good.

All I need to do is to vape, But how can I when I know that cigs are freely available from mother or the shop.

As now I have had one of my last cigarettes at 12 PM with daylight savings time.

So from now on @11 AM on the 5th September 2020 I will only vape and show the world that vaping can and will stop somebody from smoking.