Alas, I have made a good decision.

Upon me writing this, I have made numerous posts stating that I will only Vape and for the best part is only kept for a few hours.

That is when I will do a day, if I stick with Vaping.

I had done a day about 2 weeks ago and would like to get back to it.

I feel that since Smoking it is so easy to obtain cigarettes, either through mother or just generally going to the shop to purchase them.

And since I do not sleep at good hours, I will fail miserably trying to vape.

The reason being is that I do not go to bed at reasonable hours, and since it is hotter during the night. The sleeping pattern goes to pots. And that if I want to get back to a routine of going to bed at say 11 PM and getting up at 9 or 10 AM. That is what I want. As I will have had a good amount of sleep.

So TODAY I will START VAPING at 8 AM (9 AM with DST).

When you’re on the up but always fail. Or should I say?

You just do not know how sometimes trying to quit cigarette usage is hard. As the main Tobacconist put added chemicals in the mixture to take up nicotine at a faster rate. But what should you say if there was an device that could ease everything.

Well so happens, there is.

I have be vaping since 12 PM or 11 AM without DST.

Hoping that this trend continues.

Everything will fall into place.

How is it that when you want to quit smoking and have done, that once you have your first inhale of a cigarette since being abstinent, that you want more and more.

This happened to me way back in 63 lol.

Seriously wanting to quit, but with smokers in the house and ones that come around, I have a bad time with them smoking around me.

But that is life, You can either take it by a pinch of salt or go do what they do.

I usually do as them and that is why I find it difficult to quit.

Also they take what the press say as gospel truths and misinformation is playing devils advocate in this household.

Yet my nephew vapes and smokes, but he would prefer to smoke, but chooses to vape when he is in his room.

I had my last ciggy at 4pm today.

Some day I will achieve my end goal in not smoking.

Just had my last ciggy of the day, and went. to vape, I cannot get on with MTL or DTL for very long, as my airways are narrow.

My only wish is that I quit tobacco use immediately and from now on, to only vape.

The imagery of smoking vs vaping.

I for one know now what is best, but I keep failing and going back to the dreaded cancer sticks. But if all goes well now I will be abstained from smoking evermore.

Hospital Appointment Went To

Yesterday I went to the hospital and I have seen my X-Ray up close and personal of my chest, It shows that the lining of my throat is narrow and the only way to fix is this to have a stent put in. It could have been fixed by having some tablets but I might be allergic to them, the doctor said.


I would have taken a picture but my phone was in my coat pocket and I did not know if I could actually see my X-Ray.


So the next course of action is to have a ct scan on my throat and see how narrow they are. Then get a stent put in whilst I am awake.


I should know better than to post to certain websites about me trying to quit smoking and failing each time I do.

I should know better for thinking that I can quit smoking and try to only vape. But try and start on the hour.

However, I try and that is the main thing.