Untitled, or should it be?

Due to me having no willpower at all, and it is nearing my birthday, I thought about posting this to try and get me to quit smoking, even if my heart is not in it. But alas, I should try tonight as tomorrow will be the 6th of September, and my birthday will be one month away on Sunday.

I will make my case known to the world. If you are finding it hard to quit smoking, never quit quitting. The more attempts you have at it, the more chance you will abstain from smoking for some duration of time, and the likelihood of this is that you will not have smoked in a while.

But if you have cut down your consumption, then this is good, as you will be less likely to start smoking again to the amount that you did. When you are certain that the vapouriser is working for you more and prefer sweet flavours over burning tobacco, you may have a better chance of reducing the amount you smoke.

Whenever I try, I will always try.

Over the past few days, I have been trying to get along with 6mg juices in the Luxe X Pro. But to no avail. I couldn’t hack it, as I was constantly coughing. So I tried to use 0mg juice, only to find it smoother, and I hardly coughed as much.

Then, as I still had nicotine in the freezer, and there was about 2.5 litres worth of 72mg/ml left, I tried to get rid of it by asking if anyone wanted it. Then, since nobody wanted it, I was forced to throw it out and never look back. I also threw out my Nicotine bags (snus).

I also threw out my stash of liquids, all 6mg and about half of 24mg.

Moral of this story is to not to panic buy.

Over the course of a week!

Yes I have been smoking but it has reduced by a 1/3 as I would have had about 13 packets within a week, and is now 4 packets.

This is solely down to Vaping a few days here and there.

But what I am surprised about is that now I have my heart and soul in it.

So when I do a day again, I hope that I will be able to continue. And beat my 42 days spent not smoking.

For about a month now!

As the title suggests, I have been trying my hardest to quit smoking. With me only narrowly doing just over a day last week and nearly two.

I have been forced to buy some vape pods, and have been using them.

They’re Elf Bars Peach Ice, Spearming & Watermelon.

I had been using the Peach Ice for just over a day, two days ago. But now I am on the Spearmint.

My last known drag of a Real Cigarette was 12:30 last night.

It is now nearly 17:20 on the 2nd of July 2023.

I just hope I can stick with it and just vape without coughing.

Right, You Lott.

During the month of October I will try to quit smoking and only vape, since it is a national Stoptober event.

For a person to give up smoking, it takes a lot of willpower and endurance not to pick up and light one up.

But if you have been using an E-Cig for the best part of the day, you will start to notice that odd taste when you light one up.

I had been smoking since the age of 15 and now since I did about 42 days back in 2016. From the 5th of October to the 14th of November.

I want to rekindle this and try again since it is Stoptober for instance.

So far today since getting up at 3 PM, I have had 11 cigarettes and it has gone past 8 PM now.

So I still have 12 in a packet and want to diminish this.

So now will only Vape from now on. Hoping that I can.

There comes a time to start over

It has been some time since I last spoke, and this site has been down for some time now. I have just put it back up, as I feel that I should Document my Journey once more into the world of Vaping.

If you would like to know, I have continued to smoke since my last update and managed about 15 days’ worth of being abstinent from smoking since then.

But now I do not have any money to spend on cigarettes and I only hope that today’s attempt at Vaping will spurge me on. My last puff of a cigarette was at 12 PM and I have not had one since then.

Tomorrow will mark

Tomorrow will mark the start of a new relationship with vaping.

I will smoke the remainder of my cigarettes today and will not go past midnight.

I will try and use my Vapourizer in the morning and will give my mother the remaining cigs to have if I do not smoke them all today.

I have to do this, as my health is on a keel that does not allow me to smoke in the morning without having an aid to help me to breath, usually the Pink Inhaler. And Blue Inhaler when I need it.

I will of course tell you if I fail. And hope that I do not need to do this.

I like Direct to lung, but need to do mouth to lung to get me to reacquainted with vaping.

Now for all intense and purposes I will be using an old bellus tank equipped with a single coil and running in low wattage.

I just hope it sticks this time.