I should know better and today I ?

If you are like me and have no will power to quit smoking then look no further. I today bought a packet which is very accessible to the masses all over the world that are of legal age. But why did I do this? I would only have a guess as I am addicted to cigarettes. And I am not alone. I started to smoke at age 15 full time. And I wish that I did not do so.

As my health is in relatively good shape but since smoking and trying to vape full time, I have not had that luck. And my coughing exacerbates when trying to smoke or vape. I do not know why I pass out sometimes when I cough. I need to see a specialist at my local hospital on the 19th of March this year. And they will have to see why I cough so hard and pass-out.

Now if you are like me and want to start the day of vaping and never do, and only reach for the cigarettes first thing in the morning, Then bad news is you are addicted to nicotine. The good news is that there is a multitude of offerings to help you quit. My choice is my vapouriser.

Although I have not hit the mark to continue in the mornings nor continue during the day, with each passing hour that I do not smoke it is a win. I will try and vape from now on and see where it takes me.

I finished my last cigarette out of a pack of 20 and 14 are left in a cupboard. This was at 16:00 pm.



Today I have been to the doctors to see why I am going out off it when I cough. She seen me Cough and now knows I am not putting it on.

I will be going to see a specialist about this, but this might be in 2 weeks time, as I will be waiting for a letter or a phone call from the hospital.

I need to quit Smoking as my health is not too good at the moment. And the only way I can get my nicotine is to vape.

But I find it hard to not to smoke in the mornings, as I instantly reach out for them once I go downstairs. I need to sit down for each cigarette that I want to smoke.

At the time of writing this I will only vape from now on and will have my last ciggy before 4:30 pm.

Just go 4 it

Just been to the no-smoking clinic and they said that as far as they know I should only vape, as I did smoke with patches on for two days.

They are going to double-check to see whether you can still smoke whilst using the patches and to decrease cigarette usage.


My last inhale and exhale of a ciggy was at 1 pm today.

Now I Will Try!!!

Just so you know that I have Schizophrenia and find it hard to quit smoking. I am going to embark on Quitting now.

This is because no matter what I do I still go out of it when smoking. And I do not want to be doing this constantly.

I need everybody’s help in helping me to quit the deadly tobacco use that I do every day.

So from now on will only be Vaping.





I need to beat my 42 days set at the back end of 2016.