Just a reminder that I am still currently smoking and would love to quit by December 25th of the year 2019.
If not then by new years day 2020.
My Personal Journey Into Vaping
How I have Been
Just a reminder that I am still currently smoking and would love to quit by December 25th of the year 2019.
If not then by new years day 2020.
Since I started with the smoking clinic, I have been smoking since getting a puppy for nephew. He stays asleep most of the time and cannot clean up after it.
The reason why I have been smoking is that I did not find a good resolve to vape, and had to stay up all night with both my dog and nephews dog. Just that My dog was barking at the puppy all day and all night.
So my carbon monoxide levels increased. So this week I need to only smoke 10 cigarettes a day.
This is very much doable if I vape and smoke at the same time.
In my life, I have only been to 2 no smoking clinics, and the later was just Yesterday. I have been wanting to quit smoking for a long time, and I have asked questions in regards to the length that I can attend. They state that there is no end date so I could go for a year in weekly intervals. The last one I attended wanted me to do 1-week intervals for a month then fortnightly for 2 months. So If I started to smoke would have to do the course again. This time it is different as they want their patients to quit smoking. As many users are heavily dependant on cigarettes from having a mental illness.
So my starting date was today and I just cannot quit the first ciggy in the morning and I did miss it as I am missing the act of smoking.
I am struggling to do a day in the vape, I need to do this as my health is impacting my daily activities.
Firstly, the most I smoked was 40 a day, then 30. Now it is down to below 10’s.
Since I started to vape and kept on smoking more than vaping, I developed a cough that just will not budge. This cough makes me cough profusely. And the only way to get past this is to try and to continue to vape. One should say that it is 95% safer than smoking, and I did do 42 days back in 2016 towards the backend. To memory I recall it being 5th October to 14th November.
So since I cough profusely and puke up and go out of it, I intend to vape.
This will be the start of something new and old to me, as each time I try to vape I go a few hours sometimes about 4 hours at a time, or longer. Then if I do a days worth will end up smoking again. And this will come to a end. I will surely go mad or crazy without having that fast nicotine fix. But surely I can do this. And I will.
So today starting at midnight last night I took an oath that stated that I will no longer smoke.
Just would like to say that since starting to smoke back in the 2000s and doing it full time. I did, however, get to the stage that I could smoke 2 full packets of cigs a day, but was only when in a mental institution. Now I am down to 10 a day with vaping for quite a few hours. I am wanting to get back to a time that when I was doing 42 days, I slipped up and had one, with only one smoked it lines the day for more to be smoked. And that is just how it ended the 42 days.
Since 9 AM this morning. I started to Vape and have been doing so ever since. It will be coming up to 12 hours in 2 hours 10 minutes time.
I still cough and go out of it but not as much as when I was smoking.
I will constantly will be vaping in the need to help save my health.
I would assume you all know me by now and that each time I try to vape I fail by lighting another cigarette up. This is going to end now. But before I start on my journey yet again, I will start to think back to a time that I had done 42 days without smoking and how I felt when doing these days. It was cool to know for a fact that Vaping did work for me for those days and that My mentality changed towards vaping as a means to stay smoke-free for any length of time. But my major downfall is that I think I like smoking too much or it could be that the chemicals that are added to tobacco are the ones that keep you hooked and for longer. It really depends on the end-user that if he or she wants to quit tobacco, they must willingly set their mind to a frame of mind to quit. They must really want to quit and they need to do so before any or if any illness has arisen to quit. This is health for you.
I was loving the feeling that I was smoke-free for a long time when doing 42 days, but this had a toll on the cravings. Yes they were only 1-2 minutes long and was easily manageable but if you wanted to get passed these without smoking you needed to vape through these minutes, yet not stating that I was chain vaping but it sure did feel like it.
This was about 3 Years ago coming October 5th-15th November. I would like to get back to this stage and continue to where I last left off. But I need to change my ways first.
I just do not know how or when I will quit tobacco use, only for a little while should I start to vape for a few hours in a given day. That no matter how long in hours from starting to actually lighting another cigarette up. I have to beat this cycle.
So starting today at 1 pm with daylight savings time. Or 12 pm without. I will only vape from now on.
7th September 2019 @ 1 PM.
I have just had my last cigarette that I took from mothers packet. And I am about to embark on a journey that should see me straight in getting my health back. I will of course Vape. That is starting now at 12 pm dst but 11 am without Daylight Savings Time. So will just state 12 PM.
I know that I can do this but I have no support from immediate family as they cannot see that it has its benefits.
Today, since I should be vaping and not smoking, I kept coughing whilst smoking, so today will start my transition to vaping at 2 pm.
The reason why I have not been vaping for prolonged periods is that I am addicted to what is in cigarettes. And for one cannot get past all the chemicals that are therein.
People who started to use chemicals to keep us smoking did a good job. But it is for those wishing to kick the habit needs a lot of will power to break the cycle of lighting up.
I for one are one of those who cannot break the cycle but could try within a few hours of vaping reaching for a cigarette.
I need to break this and the only other alternative to smoking is vaping. Vaping can give the same habits as that of smoking.
If only I can do 1 day and then another, it would mean that I started to break a cycle but not the main cycle. Not unless I can beat my 42 days.
So the time has come to hang up my lighters and ashtrays. As I have just had my last cigarette. And if I want to quit smoking I should VAPE instead. But will I be able to do this If my heart is either not in it or is not willing to do this?
I believe that I can and should do this, It is just getting to do it in the morning that is the big challenge.