For about a month now!

As the title suggests, I have been trying my hardest to quit smoking. With me only narrowly doing just over a day last week and nearly two.

I have been forced to buy some vape pods, and have been using them.

They’re Elf Bars Peach Ice, Spearming & Watermelon.

I had been using the Peach Ice for just over a day, two days ago. But now I am on the Spearmint.

My last known drag of a Real Cigarette was 12:30 last night.

It is now nearly 17:20 on the 2nd of July 2023.

I just hope I can stick with it and just vape without coughing.

Right, You Lott.

During the month of October I will try to quit smoking and only vape, since it is a national Stoptober event.

For a person to give up smoking, it takes a lot of willpower and endurance not to pick up and light one up.

But if you have been using an E-Cig for the best part of the day, you will start to notice that odd taste when you light one up.

I had been smoking since the age of 15 and now since I did about 42 days back in 2016. From the 5th of October to the 14th of November.

I want to rekindle this and try again since it is Stoptober for instance.

So far today since getting up at 3 PM, I have had 11 cigarettes and it has gone past 8 PM now.

So I still have 12 in a packet and want to diminish this.

So now will only Vape from now on. Hoping that I can.

How can one live knowing that smoking will give ill health?

Yes, I have heard all the news about smoking giving ill health and killing many thousands of people worldwide.

But for me, I just cannot seem to stop smoking no matter what I do.

As I have low willpower. And quite enjoy the ritual of smoking.

If only I could find a replacement.

Oh, I do have a few mods. But they are rarely used.

I have now started to Vape and I need to do this as I will die of either lung, or throat cancer or any other smoking-related disease.

Who Should Know?

If you are like me and a smoker, trying to vape to quit. Then you should know how I am feeling. I have struggled for many years to quit but had nearly quit back in 2016.

That was when I had done nearly 42 days without smoking and using a basic mod and tank back then.

THEY were the Innokin Coolfire IV and iSUB G tank. Natively running at 26 Watts.

But now since I have grown fond of Vaping, even when smoking. That I wish that I hadn’t picked up and lighted that CIGARETTE.

I now have mods with more power and have learned to coil and wick my own Tanks.

Yet Today I have only had 4 Cigarettes since getting up this morning at 11:30 AM, it is now

For ages, I have wanted to quit smoking and nearly succeeded back in 2016.

Only to pick up smoking once more.

I just wish that from 5th October 2016-14th November 2016. That I did not pick up and light that Cigarette.

Since then I have either Smoked a lot or Vaped for a few hours here and there, including a few days done.

But lately, I have been vaping for a good few hours before picking up a cigarette.

And since I have a New Purchase of the Dead Rabbit Solo RTA 25mm version. That I am giving it a good go and have only had 4 cigarettes since waking at 11;30 AM it is now 18:00 PM so nearly 6.5 hours and I would have had a full packet smoked at this time.

I am glad that I am turning to Vaping again, as I need to quit for my health and my WALLET.

I just wish that I wasn’t COUGHING.

If I could Quit Smoking, I would. But my heart and soul needs to be in it to have any chance of success.

One More Thing?

As all of you know I am still smoking and I do find it hard to stop, even if I am vaping I tend to lean against smoking again, when I grow bored.

But for FINANCIAL reasons I must Vape, to save my health and money.

On Sunday I thought that since I was Vaping and going a good deal of length of time without smoking, that I thought that I would beat my smoking habit. But far from the truth I was since I was waiting for my mother to get back from a journey in Ottley.

Once she entered the door I asked her for a Cigarette. and she did not decline. She had left me with 5 Cigarettes before she went and I had smoked them before 12 PM on last Sunday.

So for over 6 hours I was Smoke-Free.

Since then I had been smoking.

But now since it is Wednesday the 22nd of June 2022 I will now be vaping from 4:30.

Hope that I can beat my smoking Habit.

There comes a time to start over

It has been some time since I last spoke, and this site has been down for some time now. I have just put it back up, as I feel that I should Document my Journey once more into the world of Vaping.

If you would like to know, I have continued to smoke since my last update and managed about 15 days’ worth of being abstinent from smoking since then.

But now I do not have any money to spend on cigarettes and I only hope that today’s attempt at Vaping will spurge me on. My last puff of a cigarette was at 12 PM and I have not had one since then.

That Time again!

Upon writing this I am sure many of you will be angry at the way I try to do less harm smoking, meaning switching to Vaping full time.

This is either a no go area in which I continue to smoke, regardless of what it is actually doing to my internals.

And my desire to stay Smoke-free.

Today I had my last cigarette out of my packet at 13:00 and I am still vaping concurrently.

So my New QUIT Date is the following

18th July 2021 @ 12 PM

If Having?

What would you do if you had a narrow throat, that restricted you to only cough when smoking or vaping.

What would you do if having found an alternative to the deadly weed, I.e Cigarettes. That each time you take a pull you cough your lungs up, no matter what you do, wether you smoke or vape.

What would you do if you had never continued to smoke in your early years, would you still feel the need to smoke now since we have all the time in the world to have one. I sure would not.

But I am only stating facts when I say that since I started to smoke, I cannot quit the deadly habit.

And the longest time without smoking was 42 days, about 5 years ago.

I just wish that I did not pick up that cigarette and started to smoke, just because I could not taste my juice.

I will now and forever be blessed with vaping.

Should I start Now?

Just would like to let everyone know that I will be quitting the cigarettes on the 7th May 2021 @ 12 PM (without DST).

The concern about my health is why I need to do this and I will never stop trying to quit.

I need to quit for good, as I keep going out of it either smoking or vaping, but I would prefer to do the latter, as it is a safer option.

Just Fallen

Every-time I inhale Smoke, I cough. Sometimes I cough Up Phlegm. And with that Some Brown Tar that is in the mucus.

But Today I forced My Self to bring up some phlegm. And I went out of it from standing over the kitchen sink. And went walk backwards whilst trying to get my breath. Then fell over backwards.

So had my Last Ever Cigarette. At 8:00 PM

SO NOW MY QUIT DATE IS 9TH MARCH 2021 @ 8:00 PM………….