When will I never learn, I will try my best now.

So with a further a do, I must now only Vape. But my main reason for not doing so is that I have ample supply of Cigarettes. Whether I have none or not.

If I don’t have any, I can always use my mothers.

But I must quit Smoking, as my health is bad, and I am always getting comments from the rest of my family about my coughing and that will not do.

They know that I have narrow airways, but they state that I am putting it on. As attention seeking. And I am not.

When I will Quit Smoking7th March 2021
What Time I will Quit Smoking11 PM (19:00)

So as of 7th March 2021 @ 11 PM I will now only Vape.

Tomorrow will mark

Tomorrow will mark the start of a new relationship with vaping.

I will smoke the remainder of my cigarettes today and will not go past midnight.

I will try and use my Vapourizer in the morning and will give my mother the remaining cigs to have if I do not smoke them all today.

I have to do this, as my health is on a keel that does not allow me to smoke in the morning without having an aid to help me to breath, usually the Pink Inhaler. And Blue Inhaler when I need it.

I will of course tell you if I fail. And hope that I do not need to do this.

I like Direct to lung, but need to do mouth to lung to get me to reacquainted with vaping.

Now for all intense and purposes I will be using an old bellus tank equipped with a single coil and running in low wattage.

I just hope it sticks this time.

Nearly is not good enough.

As with me trying to quit tobacco use, I have been using my vapouriser from time to time and doing a few hours here and there, but when it comes down to trying to solve a problem with my smoking, I am unable to continue use of vaping. As a precaution I have been trying to cut down on use of cigarettes.

And from now had done 7 hours about a week ago on the day.

Now that I have found a juice that I like I will now only vape.

My new starting date is the 5th October 2020 @ 8:30 AM.

Gonna get this and beat my addiction to cigarettes.

From time to time, I vape and I smoke, But mainly smoke due to my addiction to cigarettes.

Now for me if I could break that bond to them I will have achieved something rather good.

All I need to do is to vape, But how can I when I know that cigs are freely available from mother or the shop.

As now I have had one of my last cigarettes at 12 PM with daylight savings time.

So from now on @11 AM on the 5th September 2020 I will only vape and show the world that vaping can and will stop somebody from smoking.